
Welcome to…my first blog entry?!?!  It seems so weird to be writing this.  I’ve thought for a long time about creating a blog, but I’ve been torn as to what to really write about.  Kids?  Cooking?  Baking?  Afterall, what do I have to say that hasn’t already been said before?

As I was pondering this—wondering if it’s worth my time, would anyone even stop by to read, how do the others get their pictures to look so darn good—my husband pushed me to start writing.  Gotta love those supportive spouses!  So, this brings us to “It’s Truly Scrumptious” (can you guess what I decided my topics would be on?)  Yep—you guessed it—yummy treats!  Those who know me know that I love to bake, and any excuse that I can find to create something scrumptious, I’ll take it!

Now that I settled the bigger question about what to write about, I have decided to take it a bit further.  I’ve been a vegetarian since I was 13 years old, but I’ve continued to eat eggs and dairy.  As two of my children are lactose intolerant, and in an effort to be more health conscious, I’ve decided to work towards a more vegan lifestyle—for me and my family (hubby’s the harder sell on that one).  To help with this effort and to continue in my quest to create scrumptious treats, I’m going to work to make this blog about vegan baking (along with other yumminess)!

So, please come back often and leave comments while I attempt to tickle your palate!  Thanks for stopping by!

Hi there! I'd love to hear your comments and feedback!