Chocolate Plantain Brownies

Brownies 2

Plan-what? Last week, a friend handed over a bag of produce because she was going to head out of town in a few days, and she wanted to make sure that her goods went to good use. Inside the bag was some kale, some celery, bananas, and a bunch of plantains. Kale, celery, and bananas–we can make short work of that in our house.  Plantains?  Now, I like to think that I’m fairly well-versed in the world of produce, and I do know what a plantain is, but admittedly, I’ve never had a plantain.

Such began Erika’s research mode. Pancakes, cookies, truffles, bread, tortillas, chips……who knew that there are so many recipes involving plantains out there! Given that I was super hungry during my “research” and that chocolate was seeming to call my name, I settled on brownies.   I don’t know why—maybe because it was way past my bedtime—but the fact that these brownies have no flour of any kind seemed so amazing to me! In my amazement, though, I was skeptical. Could they really turn out cakey like a brownie? Could you really cut them into squares? Could they really taste like a brownie? Well, there’s only one way to find out—you gotta dive right in and try!

First, though, I am going to let you in on a little secret—posting recipes is hard work. I had no idea when I started on this little blogging adventure just how hard! 🙂 I love to bake, I love to share, so what’s the problem? Well—I have a tendency to guesstameasure. Guessta-what? I often find myself putting in a little of this, a little of that, and then palm measuring a good deal. Palm measuring—according to the dictionary of Erika means pouring the ingredients into your palm and guess measuring that it’s the right amount. I know that I’m not the only one to do this ;-), but when you try to write the recipe out for others to duplicate, it makes it a bit more challenging. Sometimes, I find myself going back and redoing the recipe just so I know how much of what I put in–much to our “dismay” when it’s a good recipe! So, what does this little tanget have to do with plantain brownies? Well, when it came to the coconut oil, my ability to actually measure was drained—enter the guesstameasure, and I’m pretty sure that since my brownies were a bit on the oily side (but still oh-so-delicious), I guessed high! So, this would be my only caution with these brownies—don’t use too much oil! 🙂

Okay—off tanget now and back to the main topic at hand—these truly scrumptious brownies. They are rich, not too sweet, and I couldn’t tell that there was no flour. Add in that you’re making the batter in a food processor, and you’re golden! 🙂 It’s so simple and ingenious—throw everything in the food processor and turn it on. No mixing ingredients in separate bowls and combining later. No individual beaters to have to wash. A-ma-zing!

Chocolate Plantain Brownies

Adapted from Preparing it Paleo

2 peeled plantains
2 flax eggs (2 TBSP ground flax meal and 6 TBSP water)*
¼ cup melted coconut oil
¼ cup honey
¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
½ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp salt
1 cup mini chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 350F. Peel the plantains and cut each into four sections. Toss plantains and everything but the chocolate chips into a food processor. Blend until you have a smooth batter. Now pulse in the chocolate chips. Pour into an 8-inch square baking pan and bake for 30-35 minutes.

*Make the flax eggs first. After combining the ground flax meal and the water, stick your combo into the refrigerator while you get the rest of your ingredients out. I find that this helps the flax eggs to “gel” up a bit more.

So, if you’re in the mood for something chocolaty and rich that’s also super easy to make, you’ve found it! Or, if you’re just wanting to experiment with plantains, you’ve found it too!

Do you have any favorite recipes with plantains?

Peppermint Cream Brownies and Young Living

Brownies 5

It all started with a snoring hubby. Several months ago, I talked about not sleeping well because of the hubsters snoring, and a friend recommended that we try using some essential oils on his big toes at night. We (I) were at the point where we (I) were willing to try just about anything, so we gave it a try and purchased our first bottle of Valor essential oil. I don’t know who was more excited to open that little box…me or the hubs (okay…okay…I’m sure it was me! 😉 )

Two drops on each big toe…three nights later…no snoring! We couldn’t believe it! So, me being me, I got to thinking…what else is out there? I started researching and looking into essential oils, and I really found so much great information about Young Living Essential Oils—they are therapeutic grade and are only made from chemical free plant material—umm—yes please! I’ve had some oils before, but as I compare them, there is a definite difference in quality, smell, and effect.

So, for my birthday I talked to the hubster about really getting more involved with Young Living Oils and in expanding my collection beyond the Valor. We got the premium started kit, and we haven’t looked back since! I use the peppermint oil (one of my faves) for headaches/migraines—gone within minutes and I haven’t had to take migraine medicine in months—lavender for scrapes and bites on the kids—redness and swelling goes down/is gone within minutes—and the kids will ask for either some Joy or some Peace and Calming depending on their moods! It’s so great to have this be a family affair!

Now, you may wonder why I’m going on and on about these oils when this is supposed to be a blog about what I bake? Well…I bake with my oils too! Remember my Lemon Blueberry Glaze Donuts? The lemon part of the donuts comes from my Lemon Essential Oil. This time I wanted something a bit different, so, using Peppermint Essential Oil, I whipped up a batch of Peppermint Cream Brownies! O….M….G!!!!


I thought I made them for other people (ummm…I think I ate four), my mom intended to eat ¼ of one (first of all…who does that…second of all…she had two), and my aunts took some home for later! I think that they were a hit! The brownie is moist and chewy, and the peppermint cream? Oh…the peppermint cream! It just melts in your mouth and leaves you wanting more….and more…

I’ll be honest—I wasn’t entirely sure about the brownie part as it was baking up. It was a little bubbly and I was convinced it was never going to bake all of the way through. I gave it extra time and then hoped for the best…and I was not disappointed! The brownie came out slightly fudgy and chewy—the best kind of brownie if you ask me!

Peppermint Cream Brownies

Adapted from the Sweet Vegan cookbook

Brownie Ingredients:
2 cups flour
2 cups evaporated cane juice sugar
¾ cup cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 cup water
1 cup vegetable oil
1 ½ tsp vanilla

Peppermint Cream Ingredients:
½ cup Earth Balance butter at room temperature
2 cups powdered sugar
8-10 drops Young Living Peppermint Essential Oil
2-4 TBSP almond milk

Chocolate Ganache Ingredients:
1 cup chocolate chips
6 TBSP Earth Balance butter

1. Preheat oven to 350. Grease and lightly flour a 9 x 13 inch baking pan.
2. Using a stand mixer combine the flour, cane juice, cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt. Add the water, vegetable oil, and vanilla extract. Blend on medium speed for 1 minute or until well combined. Pour into the prepared baking pan. Bake for 25-30 minutes, then cool in the pan on a wire rack for one hour.
3. Once the brownies are cool, make the peppermint cream. Using a stand mixer, whip the Earth Balance butter until smooth. Stop and scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the powdered sugar and the Peppermint Essential Oil and blend for 1 minute. Slowly add the almond milk, one tablespoon at a time until you get your cream to a nice, spreadable consistency. Once you get the peppermint cream nice and creamy, spread it evenly on the top of the cooled brownie.
4. To make the chocolate Ganache, melt the chocolate chips and the Earth Balance in a microwave safe bowl for one minute in the microwave. Stir the mixture until it is completely melted and pour it over the top of the peppermint cream. Spread the Ganache evenly over the peppermint cream (this is best done with an offset spatula).
5. Cover the brownies with plastic wrap and immediately place in the freezer to set for 10 minutes.
6. Cut the chilled brownies into squares with a sharp knife. When cutting the brownies, it is easier to warm the knife under hot water, wipe it dry, and cut the brownies. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks or in the freezer for up to 3 months.

If you’re interested in more information about Young Living and the positive impact essential oils can have on you and your family, then click here for more information or simply contact me below.  I look forward to hearing from you soon!