Par-Tay Weekend with some Blueberry Lavender Lemonade!

Lemonade pitcher

Can you guess what we’re in for this weekend?!?! The kids are turning 7 (has it truly been that long????), and each day this weekend is filled with something birthday related. It sure is funny what a “party weekend” looks like now that we’re parents. Long gone are the late nights, fruity drinks, and 2am bagel bites (that is the best time to eat bagel bites). Now we’re onto mid-day themed parties, kid friendly finger foods, and pin-the-whatever-on-the-whatever the theme is.

Lucky for the kids, I do like to make things for parties! We love fun drinks…uhh…who doesn’t? So, keeping with my crazy lemon theme lately (what is that even about??), we whipped up a batch of lemonade. But, of course, we can’t stick with just regular ol’ lemonade, can we? Of course not! I love lavender lemonade, and I had a bunch of dried lavender left over from last summer (both from a friend and from stripping my own poor little lavender plants!), but I wanted to take it a bit further. I did a quick search on Pinterest, and I found this great little posting on Oh Happy Day that has three different lemonade recipes. They all sound delish, but I already had all of the ingredients for the third one, so Blueberry Lavender Lemonade it was!

Lemonade close up

I actually made two versions of the lemonade…I made it as the recipe describes (except I added an additional tablespoon of dried lavender…hee hee hee), and I made a version with lemonade concentrate in place of the sugar and the fresh lemon juice. The true to the recipe version was by far the bigger hit, and I ran out quicker than I had anticipated…sorry everyone! I suppose that goes to show how truly scrumptious it is!

You’ll have to excuse the glare on the glass surfaces in the pictures…I’m still working out this whole picture taking thing! But I did have a pretty curt sneak attacker as I was trying to snap a few pictures!

Mads drinking


Blueberry Lavender Lemonade

  • Servings: 7
  • Difficulty: easy
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(recipe taken from Oh Happy Day)

1 cup sugar
1 cup water
2 tablespoon dried lavender, plus additional for garnish**
1 cup blueberries, plus additional for garnish (about 1 cup)
1 cup lemon juice (I used fresh lemon juice)
6 cups water and ice
lemon slices for garnish

Combine sugar, 1 cup water, lavender, and blueberries in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring to make sure sugar has dissolved. Boil for a minute or two, until syrup is a deep purple. Remove from heat and allow to steep and cool, about 30 minutes. Strain out and discard lavender and blueberries. Combine blueberry syrup with lemon juice, water, and ice. Garnish with additional lavender, additional blueberries, and lemon slices.

**The original recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of dried lavender, but I’m a sucker for lavender, so I increased it to two!

So, with spring in bloom and parties on the horizon, what are your favorite party drinks?